Oregon Athletic Directors Association (OADA) - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging - Oregon Athletic Directors Association (OADA) - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
Oregon Athletic Directors Association

Special Announcements

Treating Sports Officials with Hospitality

We know how important officials are, especially now that it's getting harder to find them. In light of this, we'd like to share this important video from the NFHS on how you can best welcome officials to your campus. Making sure officials have everything they need and that their experience at your school is positive is crucial.
Here is the link to the video: https://www.nfhs.org/articles/treating-sports-officials-with-hospitality/


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

Celebrating 50 Years of Equity with Title IX

Watch the OADA Conference Title IX Video


Thank you to the Oregon Episcopal School AD Missy Smith and the students Daphne Lin and Savannah Burley from OES for putting this video together!

Audio/video credits to the Richard Nixon Foundation.






24-25  DEIB Task Force Members

Shelley Moore, CAA (Chair) – Newport HS

John Matsuo - Hillsboro HS (OADA Board Member)

Kellie Sauer - Cleveland HS

Salvador Munoz – Corvallis HS

Wendy Stradley - West Salem HS

Kate Williams - Catlin Gabel

Donovan Kim - McKay HS

Tim Sam, CMAA - North Valley HS



Charge for Task Force

Provide concrete tasks/steps/policies etc for the OADA to take to ensure:

1. All voices are heard

2. All have a path to get where they want to go

3. Support and opportunities for underrepresented ADs

-Recruiting and retaining UR ADs





-Celebrating diversity

4. Equitable access to resources, leadership development (mentorship?), active participation and leadership positions

5. Oregon Athletic Directors are leaders in the efforts and THE OUTCOMES of EDI

6. Chair (Organize agenda & minutes, lead meetings, report to OADA EB): Shelley Moore

7. OADA Board Representative - Report & be a liaison statewide to all groups John Matsuo



Special Announcements

Treating Sports Officials with Hospitality

We know how important officials are, especially now that it's getting harder to find them. In light of this, we'd like to share this important video from the NFHS on how you can best welcome officials to your campus. Making sure officials have everything they need and that their experience at your school is positive is crucial.
Here is the link to the video: https://www.nfhs.org/articles/treating-sports-officials-with-hospitality/
